Vladimir Mukhanov (PhD)
Position: Head, Leading Scientist
E-mail: v.s.mukhanov@gmail.com
Phone: +7 978 72 39 140
Scientific interests: aquatic microbial ecology, material (production, grazing and viral mortality, etc.) and energy (heat production measured by microcalorimetry) flows through marine plankton communities; microbial and viral loops, epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry of marine virioplankton, photoautotrophic and heterotrophic pico- and nanoplankton
Alexandra Gubanova (PhD)
Position: Leading Scientist
E-mail: adgubanova@gmail.com
Scientific interests: taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of marine mesozooplankton; invasion of alien species and their effect on the native ecosystems, invasion of copepod Oithona davisae to the Black Sea, long time series and inter-annual trends in the Black Sea zooplankton dynamics in terms of their abundance and diversity
Olga Rylkova (PhD)
Position: Senior Scientist
E-mail: v.s.mukhanov@gmail.com
Scientific interests: aquatic microbial ecology, material (production, grazing and viral mortality, etc.) and energy (heat production measured by microcalorimetry) flows through marine plankton communities; epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry of marine photoautotrophic and heterotrophic pico- and nanoplankton
Daria Litvinyuk (PhD)
Position: Scientist
E-mail: d.lytvynyuk@gmail.com
Scientific interests: zooplankton viability; plankton viability assay, live/dead plankton ratio
Nelli Gavrilova (M.S.)
Position: Junior Scientist
E-mail: krinelly@gmail.com
Scientific interests: microzooplankton diversity and ecology, tintinnid taxonomy and abundance in the Black Sea
Lilly Smirnova (M.S.)
Position: Leading Engineer
Scientific interests: phytoplankton taxonomy and abundance in the Black Sea
Evgeniy Sakhon (M.S.)
Position: Leading Engineer
E-mail: sachon@mail.ru
Scientific interests: aquatic microbial ecology, bacterioplankton
Olga Lopukhina (M.S.)
Position: Leading Engineer
E-mail: o.lopukhina@mail.ru
Scientific interests: phytoplankton database