Selected publications in English:
Mukhanov V.S., Litvinyuk D.A. Microbial control of live/dead zooplankton ratio in Sevastopol Bay // Ecologica Montenegrina 11: 42-48 (2017)
Andreyeva A. Y., Soldatov A. A., Mukhanov V. S. The influence of acute hypoxia on the functional and morphological state of the black scorpionfish red blood cells //In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal. – 2017. – Т. 53. – №. 4. – С. 312-319.
Galina Minyuk, Elina Chelebieva, Irina Chubchikova, Natalia Dantsyuk, Irina Drobetskaya, Evgenii Sakhon, Konstantin Chekanov, Alexei Solovchenko. Stress-induced secondary carotenogenesis in Coelastrella rubescens, a producer of value-added keto-carotenoids // Algae 2017, 32(3): 1-15.
Churilova T, Suslin V, Krivenko O, Efimova T, Moiseeva N, Mukhanov V and Smirnova L. Light Absorption by Phytoplankton in the Upper Mixed Layer of the Black Sea: Seasonality and Parametrization // Frontiers in Marine Science. 04 April 2017/ Volume 4 | Article 90 |
Mukhanov V. S., Rylkova, O. A., Churilova, T. Y., Sakhon, E. G., & Pimenov, N. V. Structure and seasonal trophodynamics of picophytoplankton in Sevastopol bay and adjacent waters (the Black Sea) //Microbiology. – 2016. – Т. 85. – №. 5. – С. 553-561.
Mukhanov V. S., Rylkova O. A., Sakhon E. G., Butina T. V., and Belykh O. I. Transbiome Invasions of Femtoplankton // Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2016, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 266–271.
G. S. Minyuk, E. S. Chelebieva, I. N. Chubchikova, N. V. Dantsyuk, I. V. Drobetskaya, E. G. Sakhon, O. B. Chivkunova, K. A. Chekanov, E. S. Lobakova, R. A. Sidorov, and A. E. Solovchenko. pН and СО2 Effects on Coelastrella (Scotiellopsis) rubescens Growth and Metabolism//Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2016, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 566–574
Gavrilova, N. A., & Dovgal, I. V. (2016). Tintinnid ciliates (Spirotrichea, Choreotrichia, Tintinnida) of the Black Sea: recent invasions. Protistology, 10(3), 91-96.
Crise A, Kaberi H, Ruiz J, Zatsepin A, Arashkevich E, Giani M, Karageorgis AP, Prieto L, Pantazi M, Gonzalez-Fernandez D, Ribera d'Alcalà M, Tornero V,Vassilopoulou V, Durrieu de Madron X, Guieu C, Puig P, Zenetos A, Mukhanov V, еt al., 2015. A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: The PERSEUS experience. Mar Pollut Bull., 2015 , 95(1): 28-39.
Gubanova, A., Altukhov, D., Stefanova, K., Arashkevich, E., Kamburska, L., Prusova, I., ... & Uysal, Z. (2014). Species composition of Black Sea marine planktonic copepods. Journal of Marine Systems, 135, 44-52.
Altukhov D.A, Gubanova A.D., Mukhanov V.S. (2014) New invasive copepod Oithona davisae Giesbrecht, 1892: seasonal dynamics in Sevastopol Bay and expansion along the Black Sea coasts. Marine Ecology 35 (Suppl. 1): 28-34.
Manzhos L. (2012) The species diversity, ecological structure and condition of Hydrobionts communities of the Crimean coastal zone. Phytoplankton. //Biological diversity of the Crimean peninsula: problems, preservation and restoration pathways /V.N.Eremeev, A.R. Boltachev, B.G. Aleksandrov.- Sevastopol: 23 – 26.
Mukhanov V.S., Hansen L. D., Kemp R. B. (2012) Nanocalorimetry of respiration in micro-organisms in natural waters. Thermochimica Acta, 531: 66 – 69.
S.A. Piontkovski, S. Fonda-Umani, A. De Olazabal and A.D. Gubanova (2012) Penilia avirostris: Regional and Global Patterns of Seasonal Cycles. International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography, 6 (1): 9 – 25.
Al-Yamani, F.; V. Skryabin; A. Gubanova; S. Khvorov and I. Prusovа (2011) Marine Zooplankton Practical Guide for the Northwestern Arabian Gulf., Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Lucky Press, Kuwait, 1: 196 р.
Al-Yamani, F.; V. Skryabin; A. Gubanova; S. Khvorov and I. Prusova (2011) Marine Zooplankton Practical Guide for the Northwestern Arabian Gulf. Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Lucky Press, Kuwait, 2: 197 p.
Eremeev V., Boltachev R., Mironov O., Burdiyan N., Mukhanov V., Rylkova O., Brjantseva Yu., Zagorodnyaya Yu., Alyomov S., Gaevskaya A., Komorin V., Kovalishina S., Klimova N., Karpova E., Fashchuk D., Velikova V., Spiridonov V., Simakova U., Kolyuchkina G., Belyaev N., Shapovalova E., Birkun A., Krivokhizhin S. (2011) Description of biological communities and impacts // Oil spill accident in Kerch Strait in November 2007, Moscow: 185 – 211.
Kremena Stefanova, Lyudmila Kamburska, Alexandra Gubanova, and Denis Altukhov (2010) Temporal fluctuations of zooplankton communities in Varna Bay (western Black Sea) and Sevastopol Bay (northern Black Sea): a comparative study. Proceedings of the "Joint ICES/CIESM Workshop to Compare Zooplankton Ecology and Methodologies between the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic (WKZEM) ICES Cooperative research report (Editors Astthor Gislason and Gabriel Gorsky), # 300: 71 – 77.
Sergey Piontkovski, Serena Fonda-Umani, Antonio Olita, Alessandra de Olazabal, Lars Stemmann, Carmen G. Rubio, Stephane Gasparini, Maria G. Mazzocchi, Ioanna Siokou-Frangou, Soultana Zervoudaki, Alexandra Gubanova, and Denis Altukhov (2010) The 2003 heat wave and marine plankton communities. Proceedings of the "Joint ICES/CIESM Workshop to Compare Zooplankton Ecology and Methodologies between the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic (WKZEM) ICES Cooperative research report (Editors Astthor Gislason and Gabriel Gorsky), # 300: 57 – 60.
Mukhanov V.S., Kemp R.B. (2009) Design and experience of using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as the inbuilt light source for a customised differential photomicrocalorimeter. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 95: 731 – 736.
Lopukhin, J.G. Wilson, I.V. Sysoeva, Ju.V. Bryantseva, O.A. Rylkova, R.B. Kemp (2008) Verification of the Heterotrophic–Photoautotrophic Index in Sevastopol Bay, Black Sea // Doklady Earth Sciences, 423A (9): 1520 – 1524.
Raybaud V., P.Nival, L.Mousseau, A.Gubanova, D.Altukhov, S.Khvorov, F.Ibanez, and V. Andersen (2008) Short term changes in zooplankton community during the summer-autumn transition in the open NW Mediterranean Sea: species composition, abundance and diversity. Biogeosciences, 5: 1765-1782.
Gavrilova N.A., Dolan J. R. (2007) A Note on Species Lists and Ecosystem Shifts: Black Sea Tintinnids, Ciliates of the Microzooplankton.
Acta Protozoologica, 46: 279 – 288.
Gubanova A. and Altukhov D. (2007) Establishment of Oithona brevicornis Giesbrecht, 1892 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) in the Black Sea. Aquatic Invasions, 2 (4): 407 – 410
Mukhanov, V.S., Naidanova, O.G., Lopukhina, O.A. & Kemp, R.B. (2007) Cell-, biovolume- and biosurface-specific energy fluxes through marine picoplankton as a function of the assemblage size structure. Thermochim. Acta, 458: 23 – 33.
Gavrilova, N., & Dolan, J. (2007). A note on species lists and ecosystem shifts: Black Sea tintinnids, ciliates of the microzooplankton. Acta Protozoologica, 46, 279-288.
Mukhanov, V.S. & Kemp, R.B. (2006) Simultaneous photocalorimetric and oxygen polarographic measurements on Dunaliella maritima cells reveal a thermal discrepancy that could be due to nonphotochemical quenching. Thermochim. Acta, 446: 11-19.
Mukhanov, V.S. & Kemp, R.B. (2005) Microcalorimetry of the smallest plankton fraction: In search for the sources of heat dissipation. Mar. Ecol. J., Spec. Vol. 1: 84-98.
Andersen V., Devey C., Gubanova A., Picheral M., Melnikov V., Tsarin S., Prieur L. (2004) Vertical distribution of zooplankton across the Almeria-Oran frontal zone (Mediterranean Sea). J. Plankt. Res., 26 (3): 243 – 261.
Mukhanov, V.S., Naidanova, G., Shadrin, N. & Kemp, R.B. (2004) The spring energy budget of the algal mat community in a Crimean hypersaline lake determined by microcalorimetry. Aquatic Ecology, 38 (3): 375-385.
Siokou- Frangou, T. Shiganova, E. D. Christou, L. Kamurska, A. Gubanova, A. Konsulov, E. Musaeva, V. Skryabin, V. Khoroshilov (2004) Mesozooplankton communities in the Aegean and Black Sea: а comparative study. Marine biology, 144 (6): 1111 – 1126.
Mukhanov, V.S., Rylkova, O.A., Lopukhina, O.A. & Kemp R.B. (2003) Productivity and thermodynamics of marine bacterioplankton: an inter-ecosystem comparison. Thermochimica Acta, 397: 31-35.
Gubanova A.D., Polikarpov I.G., Saburova M.A., Prusova I.Yu. (2002) Long-term dynamic of mesozooplankton community in the Sevastopol Bay (1976 – 1996) as exemplified by Copepoda. Oceanology, 42 (4): 537 – 545.
Andersen V., Gubanova A.D., Nival P., Ruellet T. (2001) Zooplankton community during the transition from spring bloom to oligotrophy in the open NW Mediterranean and effect of wind events. 2 - Vertical distributions. J. Plankt. Res., 23 (3): 243 – 261.
Andersen V., Nival P., Capparoy P., Gubanova A. (2001) Zooplankton community during the transition from spring bloom to oligotrophy in the open NW Mediterranean and effect of wind events. 1 - Abundance and specific composition. J. Plankt. Res., 23 (3): 227 – 242.
Gubanova, A.D. (2000) Occurrence of Acartia tonsa Dana in the Black Sea. Was it introduced from the Mediterranean? Mediterranean Marine Science, 1/1: 105 – 109.
Gubanova A.D., Prusova I.Yu., Nierman U., Shadrin N.V., Polikarpov I.G. (2000) Dramatic changes in the copepod community in Sevastopol Bay (the Black Sea) during the last decades (1976-1996). Senckenbergiana maritima, 31 (1): 17 – 27.
Dennett M.R., Caron D.A., Murzov S.A., Polikarpov I.G., Geprgieva L.V., Kuzmenko L.V., Gavrilova N.A. (1999) Abundance and biomass of nano- and microplankton during the 1995 Northeast Monsoon and Spring Intermonsoon in the Arabian Sea.
Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II., 46 (8-9): 1691 – 1717.
Uysal Z. Kideys A.E. Senichkina L. Georgieva L. Altukhov D. Kuzmenko L. Manzhos L. Mutlu E. Eker E. (1998) Phytoplankton Patches Formed Along the Southern Black Sea Coast in Spring and Summer 1996. Ecosystem modeling as a management tool for the Black Sea. - Dordrecht; Boston; London: Rluwer Acad. Publ., 1: 151 – 162.
Uysal Z., Kideys A.E., Senichkina L., Georgieva L., Manzhos L, Altukhov D., Kuzmenko L, Mutlu A.E., Eker E. (1997) Phytoplankton patches formed along the Southern Black Sea coast in the spring and summer of 1996// NATO TU-Black Sea project: Symp. on scie results. (Crimea, Ukraine, June 15-19 1997).-[Erdemli]: 85 – 90.